Online Learning

Online Learning is a borderless kind of education because it is possible to meet various people in this kind of education while tinkering on ideas utilizing various technologies.

Online Learning Modality SY2020-21

In SY2020-21, the Online Learning modality was one of the ways by which Darwin delivered educational service. Darwin was fully online for school year SY2020-21 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This means teaching with the use of the Internet, utilizing virtual and digital technology.

Darwin has been experimenting on e-Learning as early as 2010. In 2019, Darwin started acquiring necessary equipment to start delivering online learning in certain subjects. This was brought about by Prof. Rolando S. Dela Cruz’s use of the Blended model (Face-to-face Learning and Online Learning, as well as both synchronous and asynchronous approaches) in his classes at the University of the Philippines as well as his recent experiences in studying at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Cambridge where Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) was an important component of his programs.

The final lessons of Darwin’s Grade 11 for School Year 2019-20 were delivered using Online Learning. The thesis requirement of Grade 12 was wrapped up with the use of online technology with External Examiners from the University of the Philippines and De La Salle University giving their assessments. In April to May 2020, more than 500 students of Darwin, oftentimes taking two to three subjects, studied advance English, Math and Science delivered fully online in the Darwin Summer Enrichment Program.

Online Learning is a borderless kind of education because it is possible to meet various people in this kind of education while tinkering on ideas posted from various localities and timeframes utilizing various technologies. Such borderless education will help in cross-fertilization of ideas. This will also expand the network and horizons of students. This will help prepare students in their future quest for higher education since borderless Online Learning is the future of education.