Darwin’s Philosophy

Darwin uses its own International Progressivist Method in educating students.

Darwin uses its own International Progressivist Method in educating students.

Each child is considered unique, with his or her own gift of intelligences, who learns best in real-life contexts and where children are acknowledged to develop at various speeds. Their learning starts with play, but eventually replaced with more rigorous lectures, individual work, group activities, presentations, examinations, portfolio assessment and research. The globalized world is fast changing and it is the school’s role to prepare them for a future that has not yet been invented, which is why their training must emphasize 21st century skills that should survive the birth and death of jobs and careers.

The school believes that the context of their learning is as important as the content the children must learn not only as individuals but also in collaboration with others. The students need to tinker with ideas and this is where the fourth pillar of education, the Internet Community (not only the traditional pillars of school, family and community), must play a crucial role. This new pillar is a precious resource for a full-inquiry in learning, where learning is a combination of the social basis of collaboration, cognitive activity and productive inquiry. This kind of learning is the basis of the future of the world economy.

The educational duty of Darwin International School to teach and develop the child is founded on the strength of the understanding and positive relationship between the school and the parent of the child. A parent cooperates by supporting the school’s programs and following its rules, regulations and policies. They are partners in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the child and working towards the attainment of the goal of raising a healthy, values-oriented, positive, curious, intelligent and happy child.